news latest kristen bell

 The Lifeguard (2013) stars Kristen Bell as Leigh, a woman on the cusp of turning 30 who experiences a life crisis and leaves her high-profile job as a New York reporter. Returning to her suburban hometown, she reclaims her high school job as a lifeguard, but her attempt at escapism leads to troubling relationships, including an affair with a teenage boy. This film explores themes of dissatisfaction, growing up, and poor decisions, balancing drama with occasional humor. Adam Brody co-stars in this thought-provoking drama directed by Liz W. Garcia, which takes a deeper look into a life at a crossroads. Bell’s performance, known for her comedic roles, brings a more somber, introspective side in this dark narrative.

The film debuted at Sundance and has been praised for Bell’s portrayal of a conflicted, flawed character, though some critics feel the "turning 30" theme is overly emphasized. Despite these critiques, the movie captures a compelling exploration of transition and self-discovery.

For more insights, you can check out detailed reviews from Roger Ebert's site and Entertainment Weekly.